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If your college or university has closed its campus due to COVID-19 and you still paid the bill for an on-campus experience when you were taking online classes, you may be entitled to a refund. While some schools are talking about refunding room and board, few of these refunds have been processed to date. Students across the country are also demanding refunds for other fees and discounts on tuition. Very few schools are taking timely actions on these demands. The Anastopoulo Law Firm is monitoring this situation very closely. We have already filed class action lawsuits against several institutions and are actively seeking additional cases. We are accepting cases for all colleges and universities throughout the country. If your college or university has failed to meet your expectations on refunding fees and tuition, and you are interested in learning more about your options, or in potentially joining one of our class action lawsuits, SIMPLY FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW and you will be contacted by one of our attorneys.