Johnson and Wales University Tuition, Room & Board Payback

Date Filed: 6/2/2020

Case Number: 1:020-cvf-00246-JJM-LDA

Court: District of Rhode Island

Name of Defendant: Destiny Washington

Status: Active

Summary: A Johnson & Wales University student (“student”) filed a class-action lawsuit against Johnson & Wales University demanding repayment for paid tuition, mandatory fees, or voluntary fees for privileges or services Johnson & Wales University failed to provide due to its COVID-19 related campus closure. Class Action Complaint and Jury Demand, Washington v. Johnson & Wales Univ., 20-CV-00246 (D. Mass. June. 2, 2020). The lawsuit was filed June 2, 2020, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts and makes claims against Johnson & Wales University for breach of contract and unjust enrichment. Id. The lawsuit highlights that as a precondition for enrollment, the student was required to and did pay tuition, as did all members of the proposed Class. Id. Additionally, the student paid tuition and fees for in-person instruction at Johnson & Wales University, which covers not just the academic education, but encompass an entirely different experience from the online program, such as face to face interaction with professors, mentors, peers, extra-curricular activities, and facilities. Id

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